Today’s world is full of technological developments aiming to help us in our daily tasks, in our work and also in our study. The days when only a book and a notebook to take notes where our best friends are gone! With the help of technology, students can be much more productive than they were in past times and achieve more in less time. Let’s see some gadgets, sites and mobile apps than can help you improve your productivity:

A) Gadgets:
1. Laptop
The essential tool for every student. A laptop is an important productivity tool. Today, almost all of our assignments need to be submitted online or in a digital format. The laptop is till today the only tool that allows us to take full advantage of productivity software such as text processors, presentations and excel sheets. Even if smartphones and tablets are able to run applications that mimic some functionalities, it is not yet possible to have the whole picture in these devices. More, for some essential student’s software such as SAS or SPSS there is not tablet or smartphone versions.
2. Tablet
Even if we have said that tablet is not as good as a laptop for some tasks, it doesn’t mean that a tablet don’t have its place in our list. In some situations, a tablet can be even better than a laptop. It is smaller and lighter, easier for transportation, so it can be your best friend during classes. You can take your notes, assess websites and do research the same way as with a laptop. In contrast to paper notebooks you have more freedom to erase things you have written wrong, manage your notes in a more effective way and carry your notes always with you without having to transport kilograms of paper…
B) Mobile apps:

3. Calendars
Have you ever forget an important date? The last day to submit your assignment was last week and you forget it? Maybe you need to schedule your task in a mobile calendar. In this case, a mobile app is the ideal tool. You will be able to access it everywhere from your smartphone or tablet and even a laptop. You can also personalize reminders to keep you updated of all deadlines.
4. Facebook
Yes, that’s right! Facebook is a social network that allows you to be connected with your friends and family. But it also allows you to be connected with your University activities, your colleagues and to participate in groups to discuss assignments and seek help when you can’t solve more complex problems. You can join the Boost my Course Facebook group and post your doubts. We will try to help you as soon as possible. You can also discuss the problem with other students who have been in the same trouble before or have done similar exercises.
C) Websites:

5. Google Scholar
Google Scholar is an excellent free source to research academic papers and reports for your essays. Much of them are free to access just by clicking on the link. Important features to know are personalized searches that can be selected based on the type of publication, year of publication and other sections that can be personalised. Better, you can also copy the reference available in several formats (APA, Chicago, and other formats) ready to paste in your references section.
6. Boost my Course
Just in case your life is demanding to much and you don’t have time to explore all these tools, you can go to Boost my Course and contact us to help you. We will make use of all the tools suggested in this post and much more!